Whole grains


Mentioned to your eating and health, you now are advised to use whole grains instead of refined grains. There are many wonderful things to talk about grain with grain features or story of grain in the human life, but for the whole grains that is a part of grain, they are considered the miracle or natural insurance for us in the process of maintaining the health. However it is proved realistically that, we almost use mainly refined products more than using the whole grains. And we seem virtually to ignore the concept of this.

We care about our health, we should considerate the concepts related to whole grains and appreciate the advice of the nutrition experts seriously. Nothing is more valued than our understanding of some features related to whole grains so that we can do the right things to contribute and maintain our health better. And there are some useful notes for your reference about them as following:

  1. Main features

Related to the definition of whole grains, FDA or Whole Grains Council mentioned: “Whole grains are cereal grains that consist of the intact, ground, cracked, or flaked kernel, which includes the bran, the germ, and the inner, and the inner most part of the kernel (the endosperm)”.

So, we found out that the whole grains themselves have their perfect structure. And it is not surprised that why we are advised to use them more than the refined.

  1. Nutritive value

Base on the perfect structure, they of course contain the great nutritive values. They are rich in nutrition with the facts such as protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6) and folic acid (B9). Different whole grain gives different nutritive values with different levels.

  1. Whole grains to our health

You may see the nutritive values that mentioned above, so we do not doubt about their effectiveness to our health. They are considered the gold resource for healthy eating and diet plan. Beside they are also the manner that helps to protect our health and prevent diseases. In US, UK and some other countries, there are many studies of whole grains using give the evidences that eating whole grains suitably daily can help to reduce the heart disease, decrease cholesterol, lower diabetes risk, help to prevent constipation and against colorectal cancer.

  1. Whole grains list

The list includes:

  • Amaranth
  • Barley
  • Buckwheat
  • Brown rice, colored rice, rice, wild rice
  • Corn (whole grain), Cornmeal, Popcorn
  • Millet
  • Oats, oatmeal
  • Quinoa
  • Rye (whole rye)
  • Sorghum (milo)
  • Teff
  • Triticale
  • Wheat, Bulgur (cracked wheat)

The list is not so long, so you can look at and remember it. It is very useful to you in using or check them if they are existed in the products that you intent to consume.

  1. Whole grain products

Whole grain products are considered that they are made from whole grains with all their original nutrients or have the rich balance of nutrition as in the original grains.

Nowadays, there are many products contain whole grains. You can recognize the whole grain products by Whole Grain Stamp on the package labels. If not, try to read the ingredients on the labels to know about the types of them or the things related.

  1. Note for using whole grains

Whole grains are considered the gold source for health or natural insurance or miracle or some other fabulous words, you should be considerate in using them or products made from them or with them as ingredients.

It is impossible to gain the good result if we just sit there and use them mostly. There is the warning for using of them that checking the Whole Grain Stamp, ingredients, package labels are not enough. You should consume them smartly, suitably. You should make the balance in using them with the fiber additionally, reduce sugar and try to plan a healthy life combined with exercise.