Nutrition and your yoga


Best exercise in the modern life has the yoga as a great plan to many people. The crowded atmosphere, pressure then stress from work and family life make people who love to aim to the silence for resting both body and mind. And then yoga becomes the gold method for this. Of course it is like any exercise plan, the needed nutrients combined in the exercising process are respected.

To emphasize the effectiveness of your yoga, there are the attentions related to nutrition to combine with your yoga plan as below:

  1. Alkaline is the priority

Alkaline has its strong benefits to our health obviously. There are many studies proving that it is true. In yoga, the alkaline using is very high valued. So try to shine your morning with the alkaline, especially you are following the best exercise like yoga, the alkaline foods are more and more emphasis.

  1. Use pure water

The best exercise always are close with fresh food and pure water. Pure spring water is encouraged to be used. Even you are advised not to use tap water to limit the sodium fluoride; chlorine caused reducing the immune function. And of course, the sport waters are the things that should be as far from you as possible.

  1. Use whole grains

Whole grains are rich nutrition and give you many benefits. Whole grains are considered the gold source to your health. So having you your yoga and planning the healthy eating with whole grains suitably are the fabulous way to maintain your health and reduce disease risk.

  1. Use herbs

The herbs have been considered the natural medicine effectively. Since the ancient time, many herbs were used to cure human from many diseases such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, fevers, injuries, etc. Till these days, the herbs are still the wonderful natural medicine to medicate people. They are used widely in traditional medicine in many countries.

The typical herbs you may use such as coriander and ginger to reduce indigestion, cinnamon to lower blood sugar and cholesterol, rosemary to help to avoid carcinogens and many other herbs that are so good to your health, prevent diseases.

  1. Use good fats

The good fats mentioned here are the fats give you the positive benefits. The good fats may contribute to your health effectively. They may help to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes. They help to improve vitamin absorption, promote cell development and maintain immune system.

It is easy for you to choose the foods with good fats such as avocado, butter, olive oil, cheese, coconut oil, dark chocolate, whole eggs, fatty fishes, yogurt, nuts and seeds.

  1. Be careful in cooking the foods

You are advised to be careful in cooking foods because the cooking way may change the nutrition contained in foods. Each food will be changed the nutrients in it under the inappropriate heat. So you should pay your attention in cooking your foods to limit the nutrient loss.