Simple avocado salad with lime juice and onion

Simple avocado recipe with lime juice and onion

Avocado recipes attract all people. There are different salad recipes with avocado in which simple avocado salad is the loved one. The salad in the simplest way is combined with lime juice and onion that introduced in this article.

There are many benefits from avocado so it is used popularly to prepare salad, smoothie and combined with many different ingredients to create the great dishes. It is found out about 20 vitamins and minerals in avocado. It is rich of fat and called the superfood for health. So it is easy to understand that there are so much avocado recipes as you found out.

Base on the benefits that avocado provides there is a long list avocado recipe created by the chefs also the housewives who concern so much about nutrition. Related to salad, you can find out many avocado salad recipes with rich ingredients mixed together. Avocado recipes in this way and contributes color to the dishes and supplies the nutrition that good for health. Sometimes you have not much time to prepare all ingredients as you love to do, you may choose the simple avocado salad with lime juice and onion as a lovely solution. This recipe is delicious in its way with the fat from avocado typically, sour of lime juice, aroma from onion and peppercorns and tasty from salt. The different levels of spice exists in this dish gives you the great feeling compared with other simple avocado salad that you have ever enjoyed before.

Prepared time: 5-7 minutes

Serves: 4

  • 120 gr of fresh ripe avocado ( a ripe avocado in medium size)
  • 50 gr of onion sliced
  • 2 teaspoons of vinegar
  • 1-2 teaspoons of lime juice
  • 2 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of milled peppercorns
  • In a small bowl, add the sliced onion, mix it with vinegar and sugar and wait for minute to reduce the pungent of onion.
  • Cut avocado into bite sized pieces.
  • In a medium deep plate or large bowl, add avocado pieces and the add lime juice. You can increase or decrease the lime juice that suits your taste. Add onion, season a pinch of salt and milled peppercorn and then mix up all gently.
  • Sprinkle with milled peppercorn and enjoy.
Nutritive value: 
Main ingredient Principle Nutrient Value Unit
120 gr for 4 servings 30 gr for 1 serving
About 120 gr for a ripe avocado in medium size, 4 servings Calories                    200.0                       50.0 Kcal
Total Fat                      18.0                         4.5 g
Sat Fat                        2.0                         0.5 g
Cholesterol                          –                           – mg
Sodium                          –                           – mg
Potassium                    600.0                     150.0 mg
Total Carbohydrate                      12.0                         3.0 g
Dietary Fiber                        8.0                         2.0 g
Folate                    108.0                       27.0 mcg
Vitamin A                    176.0                       44.0 IU
Vitamin B6                        0.4                         0.1 mg
Vitamin C                      10.4                         2.6 mg
Vitamin E                        3.6                         0.9 IU
Calcium                      16.0                         4.0 mg
Iron                        0.8                         0.2 mg
Magnesium                      36.0                         9.0 mg
Phosphorous                      64.0                       16.0 mg
Zinc                        0.8                         0.2 mg