Simple chia seed pancakes

Chia seed pancakes

Chia seeds are arranged in the top of good food for health by the low calories and high nutrition. These seeds are combined in many recipes included drinks, cakes and salads. And in the series of easy recipes with chia seeds used together, chia seed pancakes are in the most attention.

There are different reasons that chia seed pancakes are interested in. They are rich in nutrients. They bring the convenient and fast breakfast. They contribute effectively to diet plan. They are easy to be prepared anytime. In addition they are the pleasant ingredient that do not effect or dominant so much to your dishes’ flavor. One of interesting thing related to chia seeds is that their gel may help the mixture consisted them to be thicker.

The case of chia seed pancakes is typical to realize the interesting combination by the gel of chia seeds in the mixture. From the beginning, you may make the thin mixture and they still work to be thicker in the time you fry the cakes. Till the end, the mixture is so thick and you will have the last pancake that are more flexible cakes than the first.

Chia seed pancakes are also considered the wonderful recipes for the vegan. And recipe for vegan, the butter, egg are not combined. Beside the milk used in this case is almond milk or coconut milk. Cinnamon, syrup or honey are the ingredients still combined in this recipe to increase the attraction in flavor.

In the end, chia seeds are the healthy seeds for many people in general, however you are always advised to check before consuming in the long time to avoid the allergies or unwanted and inappropriate cases.

Prepared and cooking time: 4045 minutes

Serve: 3-4 servings

  • 100 g all purpose flour
  • 2 eggs ( do not use in the case of vegan)
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • ½ teaspoon of butter ( do not use in the case of vegan)
  • 3 spoons of sugar
  • 180 ml milk ( almond milk or coconut milk are used instead for vegan)
  • 3 + 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
  • 1 spoon of honey
  • 1-2 spoons of water
  • Add water into 3 teaspoons of chia seeds, stir well, wait for some minutes
  • Mix dry ingredients and pour the milk into the dry mixture, stir them well. After that add egg, stir them.
  • Sieving the mixture, add chia seeds and mix them
  • Heat the pan, add butter, pour the mixture into the pan, wait for 3 minutes, then reduce the heat
  • Turn cake and wait 2 minutes. Then take pancakes out
  • Pour the mixture in and repeat the step for pancakes till the end of mixture.
  • While wait for the pancake cooked, mix the rest of chia seeds with water for they work.
  • Pancakes are done all, mix chia seeds with honey, add honey and chia seeds if you like the pancakes are sweeter
  • They are ready to serve now.