Acidic foods and alkaline foods

The ratio of acid and alkaline foods

Related to healthy diet you usually meet the definition of acidic foods and alkaline foods. They are two food groups that divided to help us to make the balance easily in consuming food to maintain our health and body beauty.

The main characteristics of acidic foods and alkaline foods

Some people are considered that it is not so difficult to distinguish acidic foods and alkaline foods groups because there is the most typical feature attached with each group. That typical feature is simply acidic element in acidic foods or alkaline one for the alkaline foods.

It is truly difficult to arrange all food in right group clearly because there are some foods have their both elements of acid and alkaline. Or in many case we can determine acidic foods and alkaline foods base on forming foods. This means that the pH condition of foods created after the digestion. It is the reason why sometimes we do not realize acid element appeared clearly in the foods (such as in lime, vinegar etc) but the foods still belong to acidic foods group (such as in meat, fish, cake, tea, coffee and alcohol etc.). Or some fruits such as orange or tangerine which are sour but they still make the alkaline reaction after digestion.

Should I focus on list of acid foods groups and list of alkaline foods group?

Of course you should but it is not easy to remember all. There are the very long lists of foods belong each group. You can find easily the chart of acid food list and alkaline food list in detail, even the neutral groups with both acid and alkaline characteristics and then forming group.

There is the opinion that you may save the full chart of food groups and mark the most typical name in the list base on your favorite in consuming or the foods needed for your diet plan.

One more opinion that you may pay attention at levels of food groups such as high acid, acid, neutral, alkaline, high alkaline and pH feature. This is the way that helps you to be easier in defining the balance of pH in your body through combination between acid foods and alkaline foods that you consume.

What is the ratio of acid foods and alkaline food to your body?

The percentage of 80% or the ratio of 80/20 is used popularly in food consuming. Example you are advised to stop eating when you are 80% full. This way is used for controlling food and nutrition into your body.  How about the ratio of 80/20?

It is considered that the ratio 80/20 is the gold ratio in combination of acid foods and alkaline foods. It means acid foods should be accounted for 20% compared with 80% of alkaline foods that you consume daily. This ratio is set out as an ideal target that many people pursue and apply for their healthy diet and maintain their health.

However, it is truly that not all the time we can be in compliance with this ratio. To reduce the pressure that this ratio created, it is acceptable in the case the ratio of acid foods in the range of 20% – 30% compared with 80% – 70% of alkaline foods. This case is enough to ensure that you have the healthy body and effective result in your healthy diet.