What are your healthy eating habits?


Healthy eating habits are important to your health because they directly affect to your body. You may know, read and hear about this every day. How does this impact to you? Do you recheck your healthy eating habits? And what are your healthy eating habits you are maintaining?  There are some main questions useful that will help you to clarify these things.

Do you give anything up in your plate?

If your answer is Yes, you should recheck that you usually do it or just sometimes. Reality, in the end of meal, we all sometimes do not concern so much about the things left in our plate. We consider that we have suitable reasons to give up something such as unsavory food, too much food etc. It is acceptable for some legitimate reasons. However, you should change the situation if you regularly leave something on your plate. It may become a bad habit later then you have to spend a lot of time to reform.

Do you have your eating plan?

We need our plans for our life and eating healthy needs your plan too. Healthy eating habits are easy but difficult to all of us because they require some rules that we need to comply. Eating plan is considered the important thing that we all should obey and act.

Most of us do not plan our eating in detail or follow strict steps in eating for our health except the case required such as mandatory work, time to diet etc. Day after day eating without plan is easy to become the cause of overweight and disease quietly. So if you do not have your plan of eating, try to do this step by step. Do not be hesitant to start eating plan right now.

Do you usually count calorie?

Daily nutrition contributes a healthy body but daily bad habits of eating may cause of ravages and exhaustion. You and I may be have our habit to read nutrients printed on the labels and expired date. However it is not enough. We have to count the calorie from food and products of food. Make a habit of counting the amount of calorie that your body needs. Counting calorie is one of the best ways of healthy eating to help you to control your weight effectively.

Do you concern about the balance of food groups?

Balance of food groups or good nutrition is the gold way to maintain your health. Pay attention more and more in this balance for your daily meals. In healthy eating, there are two main groups of food including acidic foods and alkaline foods mentioned. This grouping is the base for you to balance foods consuming every day. It is also the factor which makes your eating plan to be easier.

How much water do you drink?

It is very important to drink enough water daily. Of course many people do not act rightly. They drink so much more than their body need or they do not drink water enough except the case that it is so thirsty. Somehow you may be fall into the same situation. Each body needs the water in different levels. So do not force you yourself to drink water mechanically. Try to determine how much water you need base on your weight, your activities and your habitat to estimate the water needed.

Are your serious with your lunch?

You are busy with your work or you simply are lazy to do your lunch fine. This is not good attitude because the lunch is so important to us all. Some people focus on breakfast only. However at noon your body is also need energy for activities. It is said that the noon is the peak of your digestion. So do not through away your lunch or do not consider that it is not as important as your breakfast. Try to have your lunch with the balance of protein and greens. It is also an important standard in healthy eating.

Do you just stop eating when you are full?

It is not surprised that you just stop eating when you are full because this is the popular situation. All of us who are mostly in a same state every day. Overeating does not mean you eat a large plate with food or you eat till the time you feel to be full. The diet experts and doctors of nutrition have a great advice that we should stop eating when we are 80% full. This is the amazing 80/20 rule in diet and healthy eating that you should do.