Black eye peas – peas of luck

Black eye peas – peas of luck

Black eye beans or black eye peas which are like their appearance, own the simple but interesting story related to symbol of luck. They are called the goat peas also. They belong to the legume with the high drought tolerant traits. This type of cowpea is arranged in the list of great peas for delicious flavor in cooking and high valued in nutrition to human body.

The place where the black eye peas come from

It is considered the first place where black eye peas appeared is from West Africa but in some document wrote that this type of peas came from North Africa for centuries. In the history of food in general, type of bean and peas in particular, they were known in Indian about 3000 years ago, after that in Greek and Roman cuisine, then used in some countries in Asia, America and Europe.

The interesting point related to history of black eye peas is that the peas have been grown and used wider in Asia and Southern United State than in the place where they have originated. Especially they appeared in United State in 17th centuries, it was supposed the late time but this is one of the areas where have been consumed strongly the peas until now.

Black eye peas in the world today

Black eye peas are considered one of the keys of agriculture in West Africa and Central Africa for years and future. The peas are also arranged in the potential source to enhance the food security in these areas. To other areas and countries, they are grown and consumed widely more and more because of good aspects of them to human health with rich benefits given.

In the short view of black eye peas in the global trade, there are the top of countries where export the large amount of black eye peas each year such as The US, Peru, Myanmar, Madagascar and Belize. And the top places where import this type of peas are such as Turkey, Dubai, Europe and Indian even.

Black eye peas and symbol of luck

Closed with the symbol of luck, the peas are eaten in the new year in some places for reason of receiving the good things in the rest days of the year. There are different stories which try to explain for the symbol or meaning of this. The simplest explanation for luck is that the black eye peas which are the food to help people who overcome the winter. The peas are also the main food for farewell to winter and welcome the new year. Or in the ancient time in the tradition of Egypt, it was believed that consuming some black eye peas in the meal as an act of humble life before the gods. That humility would be blessed and people who would received many blessings after that.