Liquid milk

Liquid milk

Dairy milk in which there is liquid milk consumed by most of us daily. Liquid milk gives us the value nutrients that are so good to our health. Beside this is the important part in trading milk with nearly 50% of dairy products in the world.

Liquid milk from the farm to the processing plant

Liquid milk may be considered the beginning of any stories related to milk because in the origin milk is liquid not anything else. However through the time, we have the liquid milk as a part of milk or milk products because there different types in milk products or dairy milk products more than the liquid as in the beginning.

And liquid milk here is mentioned of course a part of dairy milk or dairy products. It is also interesting to mention about. We may have a glance through some typical points as following:

Untreated milk – Raw milk

In the time of interest of health strongly, there is the trend to look back with the raw things because they are considered very good source to health. So in this case, the raw milk is in the list of that raw things required to be used by some people.

Raw milk is considered the most original source after milking from cows. Raw milk is the original source – it is true. It is rich in nutrition – it is completely true. However, why the raw milk is not so popular to consume directly, of course there must be an appropriate answer. There are the studies concluded that, the raw milk contains full nutrition but with the bacteria too. And the harmful bacteria may cause of milk damages and risk of harmfulness to human health. This explains in some ways that why there is not much raw milk to be consumed till today. And from here we need to use the raw milk processed such as pasteurized and sterilized milk and etc.

Raw milk – Fresh milk

It is said that the concept of raw milk and fresh milk make many of us who are still fall into the stand still status of confusion. Raw milk should be understood the original milk immediately after milking and it has not been undergone any step of treatment.

Related to fresh milk, it is the source that has been undergone the heat treatment with the pasteurizing to be the safe product for consuming. The problem is from the farm to the processing plant; the time for all steps must be shortest and with the strict process also right certain to be ensure the best status of milk.

Treated milk – Pasteurized milk

After milking from cow, milk is kept fresh by quickly cooling. It is also tested to be safe then pasteurized; added of sugar, color and different flavors and sterilized before packaging. After packaging, of course milk is still cooled to be fresh and maintain the good quality. The process is happened strictly. It is made base on the certain standard by law to give the best milk for health. Through the heat treatment, the milk is kept longer with the essential nutrients also flavor and limit the harmful bacteria that may cause risk to health.

Pasteurized milk is popular dairy milk in using for all ages. It should be kept cold from 4 to 6 C degree within 7 days for using in maximum. However the best using is within 24 hours. For this type you do not need to boil it again before using.

Sterilized milk

For the sterilization, milk is in the heat treatment. Sterilized way in the high temperature is the method to kept milk longer by destroying all the harmful bacteria nearly. The process may help to keep milk within several months from damages without cooling if you do not open the bottle. In the case the bottle is opened, milk must be treated as fresh milk with best using in 5 days.

Sterilized milk may have the flavored milk.

UHT milk (Ultra Heat Treated milk)

Some cases it is said that sterilized milk and UHT milk are same but not, UHT milk is the dairy milk in higher heat treatment than sterilized milk. The treated temperature is at least 135 C degree. This method helps to kill the harmful bacteria completely before packaging. UHT milk is kept longer without cooling and stored at room temperature.

UHT milk may have the flavored milk.

Related to liquid milk, it is admitted that there are many topics to talk about. Although liquid milk is so simple to recognize but there are some stories outside about it to be in the debates. The stories are mentioned such as is raw milk good for our health truly or fresh milk is whole milk or not; or we should choose the pasteurized milk or sterilized milk etc. Thus it is hope that in some aspects useful information for you as above may help to determine again the problem if there is something you are wondering.