Simple choux a la crème

Simple choux a la creme

Choux a la crème is one of the very tasty recipes in the list of cakes. It is lovely dessert types that many people passionate to do and enjoy. Choux a la crème has its moist pastry base on the original choux pastry found from 16th century and the it called choux buns in 18th century.

It is said that the tasty recipes like choux a la crème attracts many people. It has a long history closed with pastry choux and then with changing a little bit in the ingredients, filling, way of cooking such as baking, frying. It is rich today in shapes, way of cooking, crème filling but basically all things have been not changed so much.

Thus anyone who love choux buns, find out the best flavor pleased their taste. Choux a la crème is not so difficult to make so it is a popular choice for dessert with sweet types and breakfast with savory types in many families.

Related to nutritive value contained in the tasty recipes like choux a la crème, a choux bun with 18 g to 20 g in weight is considered to supply 40 – 50 calories. It also gives some gram of fat, carbohydrates and protein.

The advice is given that if you are in the tight diet, cholesterol situation, diabetes and cardiovascular cases, although choux types in which included simple choux a la crème are the tasty recipes but they should not be consumed regularly or with a large number. They should be used in the reasonable way to limit the saturated fat that may affect to your health.

Prepared and cooking time: 45 minutes to an hour

Serve: 20-22 choux buns

For choux dough
  • 80 g whole wheat flour/ cake flour or plain flour
  • 80 g unsalted butter or cooking oil
  • 3 eggs
  • ½  teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 120 ml of water
For filling
  • 3 eggs yolk
  • 50 g sugar
  • 20 g corn starch
  • 220 ml unsweeted milk
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla powder or extract
  • A pinch of salt
For filling
  • Mix milk, sugar, salt and corn starch together
  • Beat the yolk well.
  • Mix beaten egg yolk and mixture of milk to be well and sieve it. Add vanilla in the mixture.
  • Cook the mixture with the low heat and stir continuously until it is done, thick and soft as crème. Turn off the heat.
  • Let the crème to be cool a little bit, cover with food covering and place it in the fridge.
For pastry
  • Heat  in the medium fire the mixture of water, butter ( or oil), sugar and salt till it is mixed well.
  • Lower the heat, add the flour into the mixture rapidly and stir continuously. Mix them until the the mixture is smooth. Turn off the heat. Wait for a moment for the mixture to be cool a little bit.
  • Add egg one by one into the mixture. Mix them well.
  • Prepare a baking tray.
  • Preheat the oven at 200 C degree
  • Spoon the pastry in a piping bag and pipe it with the blobs onto the tray.
  • Wait for some seconds after piping and then place the tray on the middle rack of the oven.
And bake
  • Bake it for 10 minutes at 200 C degree and then lower the temperature to 180 C degree for 15-17 minutes or until the choux turned to light golden. Turn off the oven and take the choux out. Let the choux buns to be cool.
After baking
  • Cut the choux buns with one third horizontally in the center or nearly the bottom of choux buns. Fill the egg crème in and enjoy.