Green tea milk drink

Iced green tea milk drink with homemade green tea powder

Green tea is known as one of the golden drinks for health if you have it in pure regularly. However it is considered the limit in drinking if there is not any combination with different ingredients. Creation in food and drinks is endless so green tea milk drink has been appeared – it is not so strange.

The point is that green tea  in pure gives the benefits while the drink with milk is not sure. Even there are the debates related to this drink type that should be or not to consume. The situation may not so different from other drink types that some point of view in different aspects there is. And studies concerned to effects of this drink still are in the continuous situation to be discussed.

Green tea milk drink in reality is the good taste to whom who love green tea and passionate the creation in beverage. So sometimes we may consume this drink with milk as a neutral solution for both cases included watching our health and satisfying our taste. The neutral solution here for us who are consumers that we should use this drink suitably and with control to limit the disadvantages.

A good advice to us that we should make the drink with milk at home if possible – it seems to be better because we can control the amount of green tea and milk types we intend to consume for health. To make this drink simply at home, you may need green tea powder. It is also called matcha. In the case you have fresh green tea leaves, you may make the powder at home for using. In that case, a homemade green tea milk drink may become a nice drink for some mornings and the interesting drink in stead of drinking coke only for fresh sometimes especially in the summer time.

Prepared time: 5 minutes

Serve: 1 serving

  • 1 teaspoon of green tea powder
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 25 ml of water
  • 110 ml of milk
  • Boil the water with sugar and let them cool.
  • Mix a teaspoon of green tea powder with 1 or 2 teaspoons of milk for dissolving.
  • Add the mixture of green tea powder with milk into the rest of milk, also the sugar liquid cooked, mix them well and enjoy.
  • For cool drink, add some ices into a glass, pour the green tea milk in, wait for some seconds and then enjoy.