Acid foods – benefits and damages to your body

Alcohol and white bread are high in acid

What is acid food group in healthy foods?

Healthy foods have acid foods as an important part. It has the feature of acid contained. There are two main groups in acid foods included acid food group and acid forming group that make acid appeared after digestion.

In the healthy foods list, there are many foods that arranged in the list of acid foods and the list of acid forming foods in details to help you to considerate before using. Beside the pH in foods is mentioned sometimes then it is easier for you to make the balance of food groups to maintain your health effectively.

Are acid foods advantageous to your body?

It is truly that healthy foods will be defective if there is the missing of acid food group because the body needs always certain of acid amount from foods. So in a permissible level and need, acid foods have their advantages that we cannot deny.

You may be surprised because people mostly focus on alkaline foods and the benefits of alkaline foods more than acid foods’ benefits. This does not mean acid foods which have no any benefit to your body. There are different acid that they have certain role to your body. The typical example of acetic acid contained in vinegar is an evident. It helps to slow your stomach, reduces the glycemic index of your starch meal. Or citric acid helps to clear the free radicals out, to keep acid levels at normal level. And there are some acid types may help to reduce the blood glucose levels.

How do damage acid foods to your body?

The pH in your body is in the stable state, your body is healthy. The balance of pH in your body is based on the balance of acid foods and alkaline foods. In the case the pH changes, it means the balance of acid and alkaline in your body is broken. You may fall into the case of acidosis. The unbalanced acid may harm to all organs in the body and the body excretes toxins hardly. It may cause of kidney stones, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pains, diabetes, stomach ache etc. And it may change the cell structure that becomes easily the element causes of some cancers.

How to eat acidic foods for advantages?

It seems that there are many damages from acid foods to your body more than their benefits. Over consuming acid foods may harm your body in all levels and all aspects if you do not control them. This is the reason why you are advised to control acid foods when using. Furthermore, you should handle the acid foods better to ensure your eating acidic foods for advantages. Pay attention at limit in acid foods to help you control them better.

The ideal opinion to keep the advantages in using acid foods that is the gold ratio to make the stable of acid and the balance of acid and alkaline to maintain the health. You need to estimate and consume amount of acid foods suitably. In total of 100% of food using the range of acid foods should be in 20 to 30% while the amount of alkaline foods must be in 70 to 80%. It is not easy to do as in this ratio but you may put it in the target to fight for.