Meat and meat products – something we should not miss

Processed meat

Man vs meat is the interesting question by the time. From the olden day, time of hunter-gatherer, meat generally was a part in the human life. And at that time human had different products of meat by the simple way of maintaining the meats for using longer. Today the rich meats and meat products on the butcher shops may help us in the long using. However they make us to fall into the status of dizziness because we sometimes do not know what is the best meat and meat product to choose and consume. Furthermore, always in the priority position related to the food article, the proscription, the judgment and fierce attacks by words on meat and red meat then processed meats cause the panic to us all.

Many people suppose that man vs meat in the modern life has the fade relevance. The meat with red meat mainly and processed meat should be removed from our menu if we love to live healthy. It seems to be right when there is the rich of good food with plentiful products to serve dietary need. However in the core of the question, man vs meat is still there the extremely tight bond. The proof for this is the very rich of meat products appeared to serve daily meals. Related to the rich meat products, you and I may wonder sometimes are there how much things we miss although we consume them every day? And some notes again about meat and meat products as following may help us to make that question to be clearer.

From meat

Man vs meat in human life is not simple relevance. Meat is simple word but it contains different problem related to human health. Meat is mentioned here included meat from many animals such as cow, pig, chicken, deer and camels etc. Fresh meat is used in daily meal popularly in all the kitchens in the world by the certain nutritive value. Whether we admit it or not, we want to consume it or not, they always give us necessary factors needed for health such as protein, iron and other minerals also vitamin base on the meat types. Fresh meat is prepared by different ways and it may contribute to different dishes to rich the menu with meats and satisfy our taste.

However the point is that not anywhere and anytime we have fresh meats to consume. Although meat is stored under the good condition as refrigeration, it does not always satisfy the taste or convenience for us in the bustle life. So meat products are appeared as a solution to this question.

To meat products and processed meats

Meat products
Meat products

In the man vs meat relation, meat products are considered the next step from the fresh meat. Meat has the processing to be the different products for serving. Or in the simple way, meat products are the processed meat mostly. It has the advantage such as flavor, storage and convenience. A fresh meat may make many people to be busy in the kitchen. Even sometimes it causes the grouchy status because some people do not have enough time and skill to cook it. In the opposite way, processed meat can help them to resolve such things fast.

And from the basic way of preparing meat for storage in the longer time in the olden days, modern meats processed are plentiful about types thanks to the technology and flavorings. You may find out the long list with meat processed such as bacon, sausages, hot dogs, salami, ham, pate, meat floss, salted meat, cured meat, corned beef, smoked meat, dried meat and canned meats with rich type in which there is meat as a main ingredient prepared together with many additional things. There are different methods for processing them such as salting, smoking, drying, grinding and mincing. So we always find out the varieties of processed meat to solve the question of prepared time and rich taste for meat in our plate in some ways.

And implications

In the olden time, the storage of meat by smoking or drying was for the using longer truly. It was not recognized with the nutritive understanding but the survival. Obviously the meat role has been so important in different aspects in our life by the time. We cannot reject this role even if there are some evidences to be proved that we need to remove some types of meats need from our plate surely. The modern life teaches us many things related to rich way of storing fresh meat but it also teach us more how to maintain our body to be healthier. So the evidences from studies related to meat and processed meat are meaningful to us in different aspects that we have to agree.

Barbecue, grilling sausages - many people love this
Barbecue, grilling sausages – many people love this

If the fresh meat contains the risk of bacteria may harm our health in the case we do not have the good way in preparing and storing; the processed meat contains the risk, even more than that. It is said that the processing with additional ingredients such as nitrite, sodium chloride and inappropriate temperature may cause the serious risk because there may be the toxic appeared such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( by smoking method) and heterocyclic amines ( by frying or grilling under the high temperature) . They may increase the risk of cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and stomach cancer.

However the implication that processed meat gives as above, it is not all the story to harm our health. Entirely blaming or accusing only the processed meat if our health is threatened because we consume it – it is not true completely. The studies related to processed meat give the different objective reason that harm our health is our habit and the ways that we consume processed meat. They are considered that the risk from using processed meat will increase proportionally compared with the volume and frequency of consuming processed meat. So it is obviously, in the risk of using processed meat, there is a part of our responsibility for reasonable using or not.

It is true that our bustle life need the convenience even in food using. Processed meat in some ways helps us to solve this. The disadvantages points certainly have to be created of course. So, our mission in the path for sustainable health is the careful consideration base on the rich details and multidimensional comments to lead the right conclusion.