Honey lime drink in the list of weight loss recipes

Honey lime drink

It is not surprised if honey lime drink arranged in the list of weight loss recipes. This is the drink for healthy drink recipes that many people use in their dairy menus. This juice is also considered the power drink to lose weight nowadays in the world.

There are many weight loss recipes that circle you if you are looking for to build a strict diet plan. A lot of complicated recipes may make you to be tired before the time you can find out the best list for you yourself. With the honey lime drink it completely differs from all. It is very simple. This is considered the wonderful gift that brings you the value even more than you expect. Even the drink is popularly used in the list of weight loss recipes for diabetics who are not worry of sugar when use it.

Lime honey drink is one of the easiest recipes in the list of weight loss recipes for years. People said that it is the perfect combination between 2 elements for your health and diet with no doubt. Honey lime juice is rich of vitamin C and other nutritive values with not much calorie. It contributes your weight loss process effectively if you drink it every day.

Drink honey lime juice in each morning before breakfast is very useful. It helps to increase your energy; cleanse your digestive system and urinary tract and purify your blood to bright and soften your skin.

Prepared time: 3 minutes

Serves: 1

  • A half of the large lime
  • 3 teaspoons of honey
  • For warm drink in the morning: add 220 ml of warm water


  • For cold drink: add about 80ml to 120 ml of pure water, ice and 1 teaspoon of rum (optional for more flavor)
  • In a cup, stir the lime juice and honey together,
  • For warm drink: Add warm water and stir well before drinking.
  • For cold drink: Add rum together and stir them well. Pour the mixture of lime juice, honey and rum into a glass. Then fill the ice in the glass. After that, add the pure water as in the same level of the ice in the glass. Use a teaspoon or a straw set it in the center of the glass, then lean the teaspoon to a side of 45 degree. Stir around for 2-3 times. Enjoy.