Sweetened condensed milk lime drink

Sweetened condensed milk lime drink

Sweetened condensed milk is one of the very popular milk products used widely as an ingredient in desserts. It gives the sweetness and makes the dessert to be more wonderful in the texture. There are also different drink recipes with sweetened condensed milk. One of the typical recipes is Brazilian lemonade. It is very famous summer drink that is well known in the world.

In this article, it is introduced the same drink as Brazilian lemonade. It is called sweetened condensed milk lime drink. It is very simple recipe for calories and fat but balanced by lime for vitamin C, fiber and some other good factors.

For sweetened condensed milk, you are advised not to use it in the case you are in the diet plan. Containing high calories and fat is the reason caused the sin for any diet period. There is the opinion that using sweetened condensed milk may break down any your effort in dieting. However it is not always true if the using sweetened condensed milk is smart and under your control. If you do not know how to do with this, sweetened condensed milk lime drink may help. The point is that you should not use this drink always even if you love its taste. Calm and enjoy it sometimes as a summer drink for saving you from the thirsty moment.

Sweetened condensed milk lime drink
Sweetened condensed milk

Prepared time: 5 minutes

Serve: 1 serving

  • 3 spoons of sweetened condensed milk
  • 2/3 of the lime
  • Ice cubes or crushed ice
  • In a cup with sweetened condensed milk, press the lime for juice and stir them well.
  • Have a high class contained ice cubes or crushed ice, pour the mixture of condensed milk and lime juice into the glass. Set your teaspoon into the glass with the side of 45 degree and stir the dink following circle in one direction. This way helps the mixture flowing through the ice. It turns to be more washy by the ice melting gradually after 1-2 minutes and you can enjoy.