Vegetable sprouts with fish fillet

Vegetable sprouts with fish fillet

If in the past, the vegetable sprouts mostly used as the factor for decorating dishes, it is now changed with the sprouts are the main ingredients, especially in salad recipes. And vegetable sprouts with fish fillet is an example for salad recipes with vegetable sprouts as a main ingredient.

There are many types of vegetable sprout and bean sprout consumed today. They are combined with different ingredients for the rich salad impressed us both look and flavor. And in vegetable sprouts with fish fillet, you may find out the sprouts for nice and fresh look with typical flavor.

In salad recipes like vegetable sprouts with fish fillet, the sprouts may also contribute the dish to be more special. Its spicy a little bit mixed in the spices such as shallot may make the fish smell to be disappeared.

Related to nutrition fact, vegetable sprouts are rich in vitamins and minerals. The sprouts are also rich in fiber essential fatty acid etc.

Especially the vegetable sprouts or bean sprouts are clean and safe source for health because they mostly are grown locally. The sprouts do not contain pesticides, food additives that may affect to out health seriously.

It is said that there are different reasons to consume vegetable and bean sprouts with salad recipes or other recipes. If you love to enjoy fish, you may make the salad recipes with sprouts and fish fillet sometimes. They surely give you the new taste with the new excitement.

Prepared time: 20 minutes

Serve: 2 servings

  • 100 g fish fillet, cut into 3 cm pieces
  • 200 g vegetable sprouts
  • 1 spoon of vinegar
  • ½ spoon of sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of shallot sliced thinly
  • 1 spoon of vegetable oil
  • Mix the vinegar, sugar and salt.
  • Heat a pan with ½ of spoon of vegetable oil, add shallot sliced and fry it until it turns to light brown. Take shallot out off the pan.
  • Add the rest of vegetable oil and pour the mixture of vinegar into the pan. Boil it. Spoon the fish fillet into the pan, boil it until it is cooked. Take the fish fillet out. Turn off the cooker.
  • Add the vegetable sprouts into the pan, mix it and then add fish fillet. You may taste it if the salad suits your flavor.
  • Spoon the salad into a dish, add fried shallot into salad for decoration and it may increase the flavor.