Food choice – feeling, mind and taste

Food choice-feeling, mind and taste

Smart choice food is one of the interested topic related to healthy eating. We know clearly that there are at least 4 factors influenced to food choice as mentioned in the article Factors influencing to food choices. These factors are listed by the practical experience. Beside we can mention the food choice with the factors effected abstractly, it may focused in the hobby and habit or widely they are the more detail with feeling, mind and taste.

Feeling in food choice

Smart choice food is considered the choice base on the knowledge more than the feeling. It seems to be true. But in some aspects, choosing something is affected by feel. Food choice is in the same case. Some people choose the food simply just because they like them and then in the other time, they refuse just because the moment of feeling of “like” is no longer available.

In reality, although sometimes we all know about food but we do not choose some of them just because we do not like. A food is good but without the bright glance, it may cause the reason for us to ignore.

Feeling in food choice has certain role even if we do not admit or recognize. Because it belongs to physical sensation, feeling is not the guarantee all the time for your good choice of food. It may be affected by you emotion, your eyes and your state. The advantages and disadvantage from the feeling may appear in the same time, so we need to have pay our attention in mind to control the feeling in food choice.

Mind in food choice

Mind is mentioned as our knowledge of food. So far we know, so far we may do well. Of course it is very useful and effective to healthy eating in the case our mind to be clear and full filled by the knowledge of food. Mind will help us to define what is good for choosing, what is neutral to be touch and what is bad to avoid or eliminate.

Mind in food choice is also effected by the conception and idea. We have our knowledge about the food but we keep the conception related to tradition, custom or private expectation, the barrier in this case will incline to the feeling. And in this circumstance, the taste is the needed factor to help us to solve the case.

And taste is important

Yes. Taste is the true feeling and clear the mind. It is considered the factor that makes the balance between feeling and mind. Your feeling about a food sometimes is not so good and there are some barriers about it in your mind but try to taste once, the situation may be changed.

It is said that food choice is not simple as the smart choice food by knowledge, finance, price, origin, nutritive value. Food choice is also dominated partly by our feeling, emotion, personal opinion, habit, thought,…in which there are the factors determined not from the nature of food but by the nature of community, society around us called customs or barriers appeared in life, experience even belief.