Herbs list in eastern dishes

Herbs Garden

Herbs list is rich in types with familiar herbs in eastern dishes. Herbs are same with any ingredients in food, they are the plentiful world but with different types are suitable in each region by the geography, climate, habits in using and features in cuisine and also the culture.

If you may see the familiar herbs in the list of herbs in western dishes such as basil, thyme, oregano, bay leaf, mint etc , it is quite different about the common list of herbs in eastern one. And there are the typical herbs such as:  

  • Thai basil

Thai basil is popular in Asia especially Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Its leave is green as almost herbs, but the stem is purple. This herb has sweet flavor and odor and is mostly used fresh with the dishes like noodle soup, salad, pork, chicken and beef.

  • Lemon grass

In the herbs list, lemon grass is herb in grass family with slightly citrus flavor and long thin leaves. It is very popular in Asian cuisine. It is widely use with poultry, beef, seafood, soups, curries and some drinks. Lemon grass could be used fresh, dried or powdered. This herb is also used in Africa and Australia.

  • Perilla

This type has strong flavor and odor. The flavor could be compared as the mixture of apple and mint. It is known and used widely in Asia and is used in noodle soups, some stews, roasted meat, fish, pizza… Japanese even produced Pepsi Shiso beverage with this herb flavor. Perilla is also used to ease the cold symptom.

  • Vietnamese balm

Vietnamese balm or Vietnamese lemon mint is herb with sweet aroma and bitter flavor. Its flavor could be compared as lemon-mint. It’s grown in many Asian countries as Vietnam, Lao, China Malaysia, India, Thailand, and Japan… and now is also used in Europe and North America. This herb is mostly eaten fresh, and suitable with many dishes as noodles, fish, chicken, salad, soup.

  • Fish mint or chameleon plant

It is known and used in Japan, Southern China and Southeast Asia. It has heart shaped with strong fish aroma and sour flavor. It is usually used raw in salad, noodle soups or with grilled meat. This herb is very helpful in reducing obstipation and stomach aches.

  • Vietnamese mint or Vietnamese cilantro

 Vietnamese mint or Vietnamese cilantro, Vietnamese coriander or sometimes Cambodian mint is herb that used widely in Southeast Asia. This herb has slight peppery spiciness and mixture flavor of cilantro, citrus and mint. It is mostly used raw in some porridges, soups and salads.

  • Rice paddy herb

This is also herb from Southeast Asia. It has sweet smelling and lemon – cumin mixed flavor. Tice paddy herb could be grown well in both warm and moisture soil or water. This herb is mostly used in soup.

  • Ming aralia

It is herb native to India but widely used in Southeast Asia and Pacific tropical islands. It has sweet and a little bitter flavor and lancelate shaped leaves. It could be used raw with other herbs in the spring rolls, salads or cooked in curries. Ming arilia leaves and roots are also used in Oriental medicine.

There are some herbs that widely used in cuisine of many countries, such as:

  • Chive

Generally in the herbs list, chive is used widely in many dishes around the world. Chive includes garlic chive (long flat leaves with garlic flavor) and onion chive (long round leaves with onion flavor). It could be used raw or cooked or to decorate in soups, salads, sauces. This herb flower is also used as garnish to the dish.

  • Dill

It is coniferous shaped leaves herb with very strong aroma and flavor. It is widely used in many countries especially in Asia and Mediterranean. It is mostly added to soups, salads, and other dishes.

  • Coriander or cilantro

It is also a popular herb in the herbs list. It is used throughout the world. It has sweet aroma and could be added to many dishes from soups to stews, grilled and salads.

  • Sawtooth herb

This type is also known as long coriander, Mexican coriander, duck-tongue herb, and fitweed or saw-leaf herb. It has long serrated leaves with stronger flavor compared with cilantro. This herb could be used fresh and dried in soups, noodle soups or salads. The dried herb still retains good color and flavor.

Besides the herbs that were mentioned, there are many others in the list of herbs which cultivated and used in areas. All of them build a multifarious garden to the world cuisine. This garden with sweet smelling and strong flavor could make our meal to become more elegant that we could not only taste; but also enjoy it.