Chicken with red beans and green pea soup recipe

Chicken with red beans and green pea soup

Beans recipes now are very wonderful in daily meals to many families in the world. They are rich in nutrition that is good for the health. The sick may use to boost the health and the healthy use for healthy diet.

Contribute to the list of beans recipe, there is the slow cooker chicken with red beans and green pea soup recipe. This is one of the very simple recipes that anyone cooks. In this recipe, you can reach the great nutrition of red beans. Many people love red beans because they give the nice taste. They are rich in protein and fiber. Beside the combination with green peas is so good because the green peas give the fresh, minerals, vitamin and anti-oxidants. There is one detail to make the recipe to be more wonderful by the contrasting colors between red beans and green peas. This makes the dish that becomes lively more than the recipe with red beans only.

Mentioned in the recipe, there is chicken. Chicken is high in protein, rich in vitamins and minerals. Using chicken regularly may help to control of blood pressure and reduce the risk of some diseases. Base on the benefits in general of 3 main ingredients with chicken, beans and peas as above, this is one of the beans recipes that you may try and arrange it in your recipe list to cook in different cases if you want.

Prepared time: 45 minutes; Cooking time: 40-45 minutes; Ready: 1h30m
Serves: 3
  • 300gr breast chicken
  • 50gr red beans
  • 50gr green peas
  • ½ teaspoon of minced garlic
  • 1 + ½ teaspoons of salt
  • 350-400 ml of water
  • 1/3 teaspoon of sugar
  • Cooking oil
  • A pinch of peppercorn
  • Onion chopped (optional)
  • For dry red beans: you need to soak them in the warm water from an hour to two hours and then cook them separately for 30 minutes till the time they are soft. And then you may save your time for cooking the soup.
  • Clean the breast chicken and cut into bite sized pieces or larger a little bit if you want. Mix cut breast chicken with minced garlic, a pinch of salt, a pinch of minced peppercorn and you wait for 15 minutes.
  • Heat the pan with oil, fry chicken for 3-5 minutes.
  • Heat the pot with the water; reduce the heat when the water boils. Place chicken into the pot, cover with a lid and cook for 17 minutes.
  • Add red beans and green peas, continuous cooking for 5-7 minutes. Add more salt and sugar as you taste and turn off the cooker.
  • Spoon out the soup in the plate or bowl. You may add some onion and enjoy.