Simple chiffon cake

Simple chiffon cake

Eggs are considered one of the main ingredients in many cake types in which there is chiffon cake. Chiffon cake is appeared later than many traditional cakes but it is loved by the great texture. To anyone who does not like so much the butter flavor, simple chiffon cake is the wonderful choice to enjoy.

The factors helped simple chiffon cake to be special is thanks to eggs beaten well with both parts eggs’ white and yolk. Egg yolk is beaten well to give the cream and egg white is beaten well to give the foam. One more main ingredient is cooking oil used instead of butter. These ingredients mixed and the folding technique both make the chiffon cake to be different from other foam or high-fat cake types.

It is said that eggs may always contribute to create the gorgeous recipes. They make the cake world in particular and culinary in general to be more colorful. Chiffon cake appeared is also the great gift like that. And it could not be the foundation or could not help to create many other cake types if there are not eggs contributed.

Related to nutrition contained in chiffon cake, a piece at weight of 90 g to100 g may give more than 300 calories, more than 10 g of fat, nearly 50 g of carbohydrate and more than 4 g of protein. Chiffon cake contains some vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium. Consuming the cake with the combination of fresh fruits, the vitamin amount is raised up and the more fiber is supplied additionally.

Therefore making simple chiffon cake sometimes in your kitchen is the good way to rich the menu with eggs. Use it with fresh fruits as your taste to contribute your menu to be richer and healthier. And it may also motivate you to understand more about cakes and the way to bake. The motivation gives the interesting things related to flavor, creation and nutrition also.

Prepared and cooking time: 55 minutes – 1 hour

Serves: 6-8

  • 3 eggs at room temperature
  • 80-100 g granulated sugar ( at your sweet taste)
  • 1/3 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of rum (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder ( or use vanilla extract, optional)
  • 2 teaspoons of cooking oil
  • 50 g cake flour or plain flour
  • Chiffon cake pan or 18 cm round cake pan with parchment paper – it is possible
  • Set the parchment paper and scan the cooking oil in.
  • Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees C ( depends on your stove).
  • Separated the eggs into white and yolk
  • Beat the egg white by your hand mixer or electric mixer in 1 – 2 minutes to be frothy, add one of teaspoon of sugar. Beat the white for 4-5 minutes to be light and thick, add one more teaspoon of sugar. Continue to beat the white with higher speed and highest speed in 1-2 minutes till the time the white be stiff peaks form.
  • Beat the yolks with the rest of sugar and salt till the time the yolks  turns very light as cream. Add the oil and beat the yolks in 30 seconds, after that add the rum and continue to beat the yolks in 30 seconds to make the mixture to be combined.
  • Mix the vanilla powder together the flour and sift them to the yolks.  Incorporate them well.
  • Divide the whipped egg white into three parts, add each one partly into the yolks and flour mixture, fold them correctly and do not stir them. Do in this way, the amount of air in the cake is not decreased and it makes your cake to be soft.
  • Pour the batter into the cake pan and bake it in the stove for 35-40 minutes. The time depends on your stove. You should check the cake after 30 minutes by a toothpick or a wooden skewer. If the cake mixture is not stick in the toothpick, bake the cake for some minutes additionally and the cake is done well. Turn off the stove,  open the stove, still keep the cake in the stove for some minutes before taking it out. Don’t take the cake out of the stove so soon, it may be collapsed.