Stir fried squid with simple chili satay sauce

Stir-fried squid with chili satay sauce

For some people, seafood restaurant is concerned much more than preparing a seafood recipe in their kitchen. The point is simple that the good chefs who know clearly how to cook seafood types for the best flavor. However if you love to have some simple recipes from seafood and want to cook at home, you can try with some recipes such as stir fried squid with chili satay sauce.

Stir fried squid with chili sauce in particular or with satay sauce in general is one of the popular dishes in Asian seafood restaurant. There are different ways in preparing but the dish always gives us an interesting experience of squid. There are the spices used in the dish and some additional ingredients are combined such as onion, tomato, pineapple etc.

The satay sauce used in the stir fried squid is not same always. It may be changed by the creation of the chefs base on their rules to suit with seafood. Thus the sauce has never broken the squid flavor up. Each sauce type makes the squid to be delicious specially.

And in the stir fried squid with chili satay sauce, you may find out the spicy flavor from the chili satay sauce but the spicy flavor may be increased or decreased base on your taste. Prepare chili satay sauce is not so difficult. You may make it for stir fried squid with a part and save the rest for a week or 10 days in the fridge for the next using.

Related to nutritive value, the stir fried squid with chili satay sauce or other sauces at home or from the seafood restaurant may give the protein; minerals included sodium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and selenium; vitamins included niacin, Vitamin B-12 and other valued vitamins. The squid is rich in nutrition but the amount is advised to be used under control tightly to the person who is in the heart disease because it is high in fat and cholesterol.

Prepared and cooking time: 20 minutes

Serve: 3-4 servings

For chili satay sauce
  • ½  teaspoon of garlic chopped fine
  • ½ teaspoon of lemon grass chopped fine (optional)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1/3 teaspoon of dry chili pepper (fresh hot chili is possible)

Note: in the case you do not love the strong spicy flavor from dry hot chili or fresh hot chili, ½ teaspoon of chili sauce may be used instead.

  • 2 teaspoons of cooking oil
For stir fried squid with chili satay sauce
  • 300 g of squid, light cut the inside of the squid with large criss-cross pattern
  • 1 piece of ginger ( about 20-30 g), cut it into strands.
  • 1 onion ( about 100 g), cut into pieces.
  • 2 teaspoons of fish sauce
  • Note: in the case you do not use the fish sauce, 1/3 teaspoon of salt may be used instead
  • 1/3  teaspoon of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of cooking oil
  • ½ spoon of garlic finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon of chili satay sauce
For chili satay sauce
  • Heat the pan, add cooking oil and fry the garlic for some seconds, add lemon grass and salt.
  • Fry them untill they turn to light brown.
  • Add chili pepper. Stir them for some seconds or until the mixture is spicy. Turn off the stove. The chili satay sauce is done.
For the stir fried squid with chili satay sauce
  • Heat the pan until it is hot, add 2 teaspoons of cooking oil, fry the garlic and ginger that turn to brown.
  • Add the squid and stir-fry for 1 minute in high heat. Add onion, fry them for 1 minute.
  • Add the fish sauce, sugar and then chili satay sauce, stir them continuously in 1-2 minutes
  • Enjoy the hot fried squid as the main dish. It is so delicious if you have it with the rice steamed.