Advieh – one of charming cooking spices in the world kitchen


Cooking spices are important to all kitchens in the world. They bring the flavor to the dishes. They can renew the tastes. And they have some certain effects to human health even they may help to cure and prevent some serious disease. Talk about cooking spices, there are not only the single spices with rich types, but also the wonderful mixtures in which there is the typical and nice spice mixture such as advieh.

It is said that advieh in the cooking spices is considered the charming spice mixture to world kitchen. It gives the fragrance, sweetness, warm, light spicy status. Many people suppose that advieh is a magic spice contributed to the art in cooking.

Where does come from advieh?

In the cooking spices, advieh is a spice mixture. It is called adwiya also to be one of 3 typical spice mixtures arranged in the Middle East spice mixture group. Advieh was one of the cooking spices that came from Persian and Mesopotamia. It has not much evident to tell about the concrete time when the advieh appeared but it was believed that the advieh has been an important spice in the spice list that used for a long time. The simplest evident to prove the existence of this spice now is that it is the spice always presents in Persian traditional cuisine. Look back to the history, it was known that Persian cuisine affected to different cuisines in the world by the time from Greece to Rome, Asian region and Mediterranean area. One typical point related to this influence was the spice using in which must have advieh.

Today in the list of traditional dishes or modern cuisine from the countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Russia and Turkey and other places where had been affected by the Persian cuisine, it is found out the using advieh combined widely. And the advieh is still considered one of the holy spices which help to break out all the limit of creativity in taste.

What are the elements built up the advieh?

Advieh contains the main single spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, black peppercorn, coriander and cardamom. The elements contributed to the advieh are not limited like that. The advieh sometimes is added other factors such as saffron, mace, rose buds, sesame etc.

Thus advieh with these single spices mixed as above becomes the magic mixture spice in the kitchen both in flavor and appearance. It is nice and slight so it can make the dish to be charming in the same way.

Advieh types

Advieh homemade
Advieh homemade

It seems that the advieh in the cooking spices is so rich in types because there are so many single spices be able to be combined to create this mixture. However it is supposed two basic adviehs included advieh-e polo and advieh-e khoresh. They are arranged base on the using in the cooking.

Advieh-e polo is called advieh polo. It is used for rice dishes. Advieh polo contains the main elements such as cinnamon, rose buds, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and sometimes saffron. The single spice may be in the ground form, grinding or fine sliced or chopped. Advieh polo helps to increase the aroma for rice dishes. It also makes the rice dishes to be more attractive with slight taste and nice color.

Advieh-e khoresh is called advieh khoresh also. This type is for stews, toasted and grilled dished. Advieh khoresh contains the main factors such as cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, black peppercorn, sesame etc. It is usually in the ground form. The mixture contributes to the dishes with aroma, slight spicy, sweetness a little bit and natural fat a little bit.

Advieh and benefits

Advieh is the mixture of single spices that give different benefits both to human health and cuisine. The typical effects from advieh are supposed such as a natural food preservative, increasing the flavor. It may reduce the strong fishy smell in the seafood; balance the pungent smell from meats in stews.

Related to human health, advieh is considered the useful spice mixture that helps to stimulate the digestion, heal the inflammations, lower sugar blood and reduce the risk of some cancers.