Frog porridge

Frog porridge

Related to heart healthy foods, frog legs may be a good recommendation. Frog legs are arranged in the white meat list. They are rich in nutrition for health and easy to consume.

Heart healthy foods of course include the long list of white meat. And it is not easy to ignore the rich source such as frog legs. Frog legs are more familiar in Asian cuisine and some countries in Europe such as France and Belgium than in The U.S or some other places. If you concern, there are some typical dishes with frog legs. In the list of dishes with frog legs, the most popular dish is considered frog porridge. Sometimes you have chance to visit Singapore, you may see how this dish is so popular. There are different ways to make the good frog porridge but it is mostly easy to cook at home. With just some simple step, you have the delicious dish to enjoy.

Frog legs are rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. There are different vitamins and minerals found out from frog legs such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Vitamin B12, Choline, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, and Sodium, even Omega 3 and Omega 6 and other elements. You may see how the rich nutrients are contained in frog legs. So the dishes with frog legs are cooked in the right way and right temperature, give you the great source of energy.

It is said that frog porridge is one of the good dishes that you may try. It can contribute to your heart healthy foods and helps to make the menu to be new. The advice for cooking this dish is that limit the salt in cooking process. The frog meat is easy to be salty and the salty dish is not good for your health general and your heart at all.

Prepare and cooking time: 1h15’

Serve: 3-4


  • 80gr of rice
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 250gr of clean frog legs
  • Fried sliced shallots
  • 1 spoon of fish sauce
  • Green onion fine cut
  • Coriander, pinch of ground pepper
  • 1 liter of water
  • Clean the rice and let it dry for some minutes.
  • Fry the sliced shallots and divide it into 2 parts.
  • In a pan, you spoon a part of vegetable oil that be used to fry the shallots then fry the rice till the time it bloats. Spoon the rice into a pot, pour the water into the pot and boil it, low the heat to medium volume and stew it for 45 minutes or done well.
  • Add the rest shallots into the pan; fry the frog for some minutes and let it a side.
  • After 45 minutes, add the fried frog into the pot and boil them for 15 minutes. Add the fish sauce and taste it as you love, then turn off the stove. Spoon the porridge into a small bowl; add some ground pepper, green onion cut fine, fried sliced shallots and some corianders. Enjoy warmly.