Pumpkin with taro cream filling

Pumpkin with taro cream filling

Pumpkin and taro are used popularly in the healthy food recipes. To heart healthy recipes, they are possible to be combined together to create the good dishes that are good for heart health. And in this recipes, pumpkin with taro cream filling is one of the interesting suggests for you to try sometimes.

In the list of healthy foods, pumpkin is high value with the rich nutritive facts. It may also give the effective contributions to disease prevention or effect someway in the process of cure.

Although the amount of nutritive elements are not all the power for cure or disease prevention absolutely but the pumpkin is believe to be an advantaged factor with its rich minerals and vitamins to health effectively. There are different evident to prove the benefits of pumpkin in the researches related to pumpkin and health and you may meet them in the topic about pumpkin and squash.

It is not like pumpkin with many topics to talk about, taro seems not to be popular as in the same case. However in cuisine and traditional medicine, taro has been used for a long time. Taro is also considered one of the great ingredients in the healthy food recipes because it is richer than potato about calories. Nonetheless, it is lower than cereals and pulse about the fats and protein.

The protein contained in taro is same with amount contained in sweet potato and banana even. Taro has its rich nutritive facts included vitamin B complex, vitamin A, fiber, folate, potassium etc. And base on this details, especially the potassium contained, taro is believed to contribute in the good way for regulating the heart beat, also the blood pressure.

The reasons above opens the wide way for combining taro and pumpkin even in one recipe. Or the presence of these foods in anyway to help us to rich the healthy food recipes in which there is also the heart healthy recipe. If you have time to try a new recipe with pumpkin, experience the recipe like pumpkin with taro cream filling.

Much like the recipe sweet potato buns as a wonderful choice to rich the healthy breakfast, pumpkin with taro cream filling is one of the good choice to rich your dessert healthily and lightly.

Prepared time: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Time for firming: 45 minutes to 1 hour at least

Serves: 6-8 servings

For containing
  • 1 round pumpkin, about 400gr
For filling
  • 160 g fresh taro with the skin removed
  • 80 ml low fat milk or coconut milk
  • 1 egg
  • 80 g sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 spoon condensed milk
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract or a pinch of cinnamon powder (optional)
  • A pinch of ginger powder (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon of cornstarch.
For containing
  • Cut lid pumpkin off.
  • Scoop the strands and seeds out.
  • Clean the pumpkin and let it to be dry.
For filling
  • Cut taro into chunks about 3 inch. Boil taro about 20 minutes till it is done well. Take taro out and let them cool.
  • Mash the taro with a fork.
  • Mix the ingredients such as sugar, salt, condensed milk and milk or coconut milk together.
  • Add the mixture of milk into taro mashed.
  • Crack and beat the egg.
  • Mix egg beaten cornstarch and the mixture of taro mashed as above.
  • Add vanilla extract or cinnamon powder. You may also add a pinch of ginger powder in the mixture for filling to increase the flavor.
For steaming
  • Fill the taro mixture into the pumpkin.
  • Put the lid on.
  • Steam pumpkin with filling for more than 30 minutes and you may use the toothpick to check if it is done. Take it out and let it cool.
  • Keep the pumpkin in the fridge at least 45 minutes to an hour for firming. When the pumpkin is firmed, take it out, cut into slice and enjoy.