Simple homemade shortbread

Simple homemade shortbread

Homemade bread recipes maybe are not so strange to some home chefs today. The recipes from the grains products like this are always attract them to knead in their kitchens if they have free time. Related to the bread recipes’ topic, shortbread is also the type of baked cake concerned.

Bread recipes are clear about the definition, basic ingredients and the way of making. It seems to make us to image easily a type of baked products attached with wheat flour for the delicious and aromatic breads. While shortbread seems to be related a little bit to bread recipes by the word as suffix “bread” but it is not a simple story to the newbie who start to learn about bread recipes, shortbread recipes and some other types such as cookies and biscuits.

We may know bread recipes are generally to be familiar with all people as a world recipes but shortbread, biscuits and cookies are owned the regional or country stories. It is said that biscuits from British English is same with cookies from American English by the way of making and ingredients and use even. While shortbread is considered a product from Scotland. It was published widely in 18th century.

The story related to shortbread may open one more doors into the bread recipes and cake recipes that motivate you to understand more about this interesting world in cuisine and baking. And now, let start with a simple  homemade shortbread and then you have a great shortbread biscuits and to enjoy and figure out of different types of baked cakes related to wheat and wheat flour.

Prepared time and cooking time: 40 minutes

  • 250 g of plain white flour (use 200 g for mixing and 50 g for the process of making the shortbread)
  • 80 g of icing sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder (optional)
  • 1 yolk
  • 40-50 g of margarine (or unsalted butter can be used)
  • 75ml of unsweeted milk
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla powder
  • Mix together the dry ingredients in which include cake flour, baking powder, icing sugar, and salt, vanilla powder.
  • Add the margarine, mix them well. After that you add the yolk and have dough. Knead it and add milk slowly in the process of kneading. If the dough is sticky in your hand, add the cake flour. After kneading, let the dough in rest for 10-15 minutes.
  • Preheat the oven in 180-200 C degree. It depends on your oven
  • The dough is well; you knead the dough for some minutes.
  • On a clean table, flatten the dough and shape the shortbread.
  • Prepare the baking sheet. If you use a non-stick tray, place the shortbread on the tray directly. If not, you should use a baking paper and set it on the tray or grease the tray with a non-stick spray before placing the shortbread on it. Place the tray in the oven, bake the shortbread for 15 minutes or until they turn light golden brown.
  • The shortbreads are done, take them out off the oven, let them cool and enjoy or you can keep them in the plastic bag for some days.