Snakehead fish sour soup – a healthy diabetic recipe

A hot pot of snakehead fish sour soup

Healthy diabetic recipes are created and collected regularly to help the diabetes who have the rich choice for their menu daily. And in the list of recipes, sour soup contributes effectively.

In the list of healthy diabetic recipes, sour soup today is considered a great choice. To make a sour soup, there is different ways to cook and different ingredients to be used. In this article, snakehead fish sour soup is introduced as one of the good soups in diabetic menu that Asian usually use.

Sour soup that heretofore was reminded as a traditional dish owned by the regional cuisine. However in the modern cuisine, sour soup has been concerned more and more by the rich ingredients contained may help to give a balance in diet plan. It supplies also the certain nutrients but is not easy to break the tight diet plan out. By this reason, sour soup is considered as one of the healthy diabetic recipes. It is considered that snakehead fish sour soup is one of the typical example recipes related to this topic.

Snakehead fish is arranged in the white meat list. Although it is so not popular in Europe or America but this fish type is widely used in Asia especially the countries located along the Mekong River. Thanks for the plentiful conditions for farming, snakehead fish is one of the local fishes farmed, traded and used  as a good food source for economy and health.

Following the traditional medicine in these areas, snakehead fish is not only the fish from fresh water for good dishes, it is also one of the ingredients contributed to the healing process and health recovery.

In the world today, there are researches related to snakehead, they give the conclusions with the advantages such as it is rich in albumin which is good for healing wound; rich in protein, iron, zinc, copper and low in fat.

Healthy diabetic recipes like snakehead fish sour soup may be the wonderful recipe that you may try sometimes. There are good ingredients included spices and herbs and vegetable in the recipe also. They are combined together to rich the flavor and give truly the rich nutritive value for health.

Prepared and cooking time: 45 minutes – 1 hour

Serve: 4 servings

  • 500 g snakehead fish cut in pieces
  • 100 g tomato sliced
  • 100 g pineapple sliced
  • 2 teaspoons of cooking oil
  • 1 teaspoon garlic chopped fine
  • 1 teaspoon purple onion or shallot chopped fine
  • 1 teaspoon purple onion or shallot thin sliced and fried
  • 1-2 colocasia gigantea stalks sliced (optional)
  • 5 okras sliced
  • 2 spoons of ripped tamarind sauce (or 2 spoons of rice vinegar is able to be used instead)
  • 1+1/2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar for diabetics
  • 1.2 liters of water
  • 80 g of bean sprouts
  • Herbs:  coriander, Thai basil (optional), sawleaf (optional), cilantro, spring onion (optional)
  • Other spices: hot chili pepper, ground black peppercorn (optional)
For preparing
  • Tamarind sauce: Soak the ripped tamarind in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Extract for sauce.
  • Snakehead fish sliced: Mix them with 1/3 of chopped garlic, shallot, a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon of cooking oil. Wait for 5-7 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, fry the thin sliced purple onion or shallot
For cooking
  • Heat the soup pot, add 1 teaspoon of cooking oil and fry the rest chopped garlic and onion or shallot.
  • Add pineapple sliced into the pot and fry it for 1 minute.
  • Add water and boil it.
  • The water is boiled, add tamarind sauce, salt and sugar.
  • Add snakehead fish, colocasia gigantea stalks, okras, tomato. Boil them for 5 minutes or until the ingredients cooked. Taste the soup if it suits your taste. Add the bean sprouts and turn off your cooker.
  • Spoon the soup into a bowl, add fried purple onion or shallot, herbs and spices. Enjoy warmly.