Simple vanilla soufflé – art in baking and nutritive value for health


Soufflé is one of the very tasty recipes. It is also the wonderful cake to impress the story itself. The cake comes from France  and it was considered to appear in 18th century. The elegance from this cake makes many people to think that it is difficult to bake a soufflé but it is not.

Related to the tasty recipes like soufflé, it is same with simple chiffon cake, the point to create a great cake is thanks to eggs, technique in folding, mixing and then time of baking. For the newbies to conquer the rich world of soufflé types, they are always suggested to start with simple vanilla soufflé. As mentioned as above, the main ingredient for this cake type is eggs. Other ingredients are included milk, sugar and butter. In the recipe of vanilla soufflé, vanilla extract or vanilla powder is used to increase the flavor.

The technique mentioned in the soufflé recipes is that the egg white and yolk are always separated. To the egg white, it is beaten till the time of foam and peak. And to the yolk, it is beaten and then done by hot milk to become a wonderful texture. The folding technique and time of baking are also the factors to decide how perfect a soufflé is. These factors will guarantee for a soft, art and elegant soufflé as soon as it is enjoyed.

A very interesting and special point from the tasty recipes like soufflé is that we are people who enjoy it, have to wait it for each minute and then have to taste it as soon as it is taken out off the stove. Soufflé is not wait anybody who loves to experience its flavor because it rises up fast and it goes down fast too. So in the case we do not catch its moment in time, soufflé is decreased its flavor.

Concerning to nutrition, simple vanilla soufflé is same with some other simple tasty recipes of cake types made from eggs and milk. It contains the number of minerals and vitamins. Simple vanilla soufflé is rich in sodium, protein, iron and vitamin A. Beside it contains fat, sugar and cholesterol. A soufflé is advised not to be consumed only in the case of very tight diet plan or health situations related to heart health or cholesterol situations or serious diabetes.

Prepare and baking time: 30-35 minutes

Serves: 6

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of cake flour
  • 1 teaspoon of melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • 80 g granulated sugar
  • 220 ml of unsweeted milk
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla powder or vanilla extract
  • 6 round porcelain shapes
  • icing sugar

  • Separate the egg white and yolk.
  • Beat the egg white to be soft with its peaks.
  • Coat the butter inside the shapes and add granulated sugar to coat them carefully to make sure that the sugar is spread out the surface inside the shapes.
  • Beat the yolks, add the melted butter and whisk them well. Sift the cake flour into the mixture and mix them together.
  • Preheat the oven at 180-200 C degree. It depends on your oven.
  • On the cooker, heat the milk, add the sugar and stir them well. And pour the hot milk slowly into the mixture of yolk and whisk them continuously.
  • Pour the mixture of yolk and milk into the pot. Heat the mixture to be thick. Turn off the cooker.
  • Add the whipped egg white into the mixture of yolk. Fold them gently. Add the vanilla powder in the process of folding.
  • Full fill the shape with the mixture. Use a knife to level the surface of the mixture with the mold of the shape. Clean the mold of the shape.
  • Place the shapes in the center of the oven. Remove the racks above to be sure that the soufflés do not touch the racks when they puff out. The time for baking is about 14 to 16 or even 17 and 18 minutes depends on your oven. When they are done, take them out off the oven and sift the icing sugar on their surface.
  • Enjoy warmly as soon as you take the soufflés out off the oven. If not the soufflés are not so good. They do fast go down after baking for some minutes.