Walnut muffin – dessert for hearth health

Walnut muffins

Heart healthy recipe like walnut muffin is not so strange with many people. It is one of the wonderful desserts introduced many years ago. It was considered that this muffin appeared officially as soon as the researches related to walnuts attached with heart health were published.

In the period of 2010-2012, there were many conclusions from researchers that walnuts may be arranged in the top of nuts and seeds for heart health. Walnuts have their effective contribution to heart heath such as decrease total cholesterol, increase gamma-tocopherol and omega 3 fatty acids etc. It is believed that walnuts with their benefits from the rich minerals, they impact on all aspects of cardiovascular problems according to the positive and profitable direction more than many other foods.

Cardiovascular benefits from walnuts are obvious so the heart healthy recipes in which there are walnuts as the ingredients may contribute to the heart heath in some ways. By this reason, the heart healthy recipe like walnut muffin becomes popular and familiar with many people who are strongly interested to heart health.

In baking generally, muffin is easy to make. The combination with some type of healthy nuts such as walnuts in this type of cake is easy to. This heart health recipe does not challenge any people who has ever make muffins or cupcake before. So in the case you love to have a heart healthy recipe in your menu, walnut muffin is the recipe encouraged to make as a valued dessert that serve you yourself sometimes.

Prepared time: 15-18 minutes

Baking time: 25-30 minutes

Serve: 8 muffins

  • 600 gr of whole wheat flour
  • 120 – 150 gr of sugar (depend on your favor, minimum of sweetness is in 120 gr and the maximum of sweetness is in 180 gr suggested)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/3 teaspoon of salt
  • 220 ml of low fat milk and unsweeted
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons of cooking oil or butter melted
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla powder or 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 100-120 gr of chopped walnuts; divide into 2 parts
  • 40-50 gr of almond powder (optional)
  • 60-80 gr of unsweeted cocoa powder (optional)
  • A teaspoon of sugar powder (optional) for sprinkling over the muffins after baking.
  • Preheat the oven at 180 C degree
  • Place the paper muffins in the baking shape.
  • Sift the whole wheat flour ( and cocoa powder and almond powder in the case you use these ingredients in the recipe)
  • Mix the dry ingredients together and then add egg and liquid. Beat the mixture well. Add a part of walnut chopped well.
  • Spoon the mixture after beating well into each paper muffin. Fill it with ¾ full. Sprinkle the rest chopped walnuts on the top of unbaked muffins.
  • Bake the muffins for 25 minutes or until the muffins are done with the clean toothpick checked.
  • Open the oven for a minutes and then take muffins out of. You may sprinkle the sugar powder over the muffins if you love to have the sweetness from the top of muffins.